Archive for March 2011

The Name Of The Wind


Look at what I have. LOOK AT WHAT IS IN MY HAND! It's the fucking book to end all books. If you don't have this book then you NEED this book and I don't give two shits on a string what you like to read or don't like to read. You need to read THIS. Because its good for you. It's like broccoli. Or some shit. 

Just read the fucking book!

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Day 1

Every day that I am here and have a camera with me whilst out in the street, I will upload them here. The days will not be accurate as they are not the actual number of days I've been in New York. Just the number of days I remember to charge my camera battery.


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Brooklyn is crazy

Alright then, my loyal 4 followers. This here is a completely crude and inaccurate depiction of East Flatbush in Brooklyn, NY.

Walking home from the train station is not that bad on a regular day. I only have to walk from about Glenwood [Ave G???] (just imagine that it's there) and 37th street to Avenue K and 45th street. Looking at the grid, that doesn't seem that far. However, when I walk out of the train station into a street being littered with snow and freezing rain, it's the longest walk in the world. Especially when I have no hat, no hood, no scarf, and no top button on my coat.

Above is a crude and completely accurate depiction of what I looked like when I left my house this morning. I was beautiful! I was even able to maintain that beauty throughout the entirety of my day. However, by the time midnight hit, the spell wore off and I looked something more like the picture below.

Not so beautiful. So why is it, that managing too look the way I did at the end of the night, did people find it possible to follow me ALL THE WAY from 38th and Ave H to 45th and Ave J to try to get my phone number?! How do females still manage to get hit on looking like HawtMess? Men must have no standards, because I know for a fact I looked bad. I was tired. I was cold. I was walking forFUCKINGever and I really didn't want to be bothered by anyone before I found myself a nice warm bed.

What is your problem, sir!
No, you can't have my phone number.
It's COLD!

Whatever, yo. I just wanted people to know the madness. Goodnight.

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No lie. This is TMI

Feel free to not bother reading this as you will probably learn more than you ever felt like learning about me in




I've been on my period since January. It's seriously pissing me the fuck off. Not only is it the fact that I have been bleeding profusely for the past 3 months, but it's also compounded by all of the symptoms of having a period.

I'm bloated.
I'm cranky.
MY TITS HURT. <--- That's probably the worst.

How horrible is it that I roll only my stomach when I'm going to bed and I want to burst into tears because it feels like someone put a boulder onto my chest.

It's like lifelong pms going on over here. If this continues, I'm honestly going to suggest to my doctor that we just do something about this whole uterus business and take it out. My eggs are already being tossed to the wayside so it's not like my body is planning on having children anyway. There is no hope for the Future [Puddlez] of America.

The FPA. That should be an organization. Although, I suppose it never will be.

^^^^That is what my insides feel like at all times^^^^

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Stolen from Adam via Facebook

“$13.25.” The cashier says. I usually cringe at fast food bills totaling more than 10 bucks, but this time I wasn’t feeling cheap, I hand the cashier the money and wait for my change and the drinks, I look back for a second and see Ashley sitting on a stool facing the outside window, her hands are folded in on her lap and her head hangs heavy. Her legs dangle and sway off the high stool, crossed at the ankles. That high, leveled Atlanta sun fixes it self right in front of her, sunbeams blast through the floor to ceiling window of the restaurant, outlining her body and if I was painter or photographer I bet the scene would of made quite the poetic picture. “Portrait of a sick girl“, I’d call it. She’s hang it in her living room, she’d love it. I sigh and the cashier hands me the change and I grab the drinks and walk over to her. Two giant sized thick Styrofoam cups filled with frozen blended drinks with strange names. The stools are so high I have to put the smoothies down first and hop up to the cushion.

‘God you’re so short.” She says reaching for her cup then checking the lid to make sure the contents are orange and not pink.

“Yeah, it’s because of my scoliosis, crooked spine. If I would of got that surgery...”I pause and think that maybe it’s too early to talk about surgery, buts it too late now, so I finish quickly. “I’d be a few inches taller.”
We sit for a minute and she picks up the cup like she’s searching for something. She looks at me and blinks perplexed.

“Can I help you?” I ask glibly.

‘Where the hell are the straws?” She asks, blinking. I’d forgotten to ask for some, I jump out of my seat a frantically scurry to the counter. I must of looked really odd because I’m usually that accommodating to her, if anything I‘m borderline selfish when it comes to my dealings with Ashley, I mean here I am, staying with her for a week in Atlanta for free, having her drive me around, trying to shag her friends. She’s a nice girl who prone to bad luck. Today I went with her to a doctors appointment. We were just suppose to get the results of her biannual check up and psychical for her job. We waited in the lobby for about an hour until they called us back. She was angry and was very short with the nurses. She kept saying ‘If I’m not terminal then there’s no way it should take this long.”


Shit like this makes it really hard for me to dislike this character. Oh, so hard indeed.
Damn you, Adam. You're still a jerk.

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Ashley's Upset Face

I probably shouldn't have gotten that Facebook back yet. I don't think I was ready.

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I find

that something must
be done about this excruciating back pain that I happen to be experiencing.

It's very upsetting. After about 4 days, I shouldn't be forced to deal with a pain of this caliber anymore. It should have dimmed to a dull ache.
Or ebbed to a slight twinge.
Something of the sort.

I just want my back to stop hurting.


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Shit I Hate #3

Dudes that act like assholes to girls for attention outside of the 3rd grade.

Dudes that act like assholes to girls for attention outside of the 3rd grade.


I had to say it 3 times just so that the would could understand how annoying it is to me. Listen to me carefully, world. That shit ain't cute past the age of 9. Give it a rest. It doens't make me want to be your friend any more. It doesn't make me want to not be in the same room with you ever. Just stop. 4SRSLY.

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Zombies vs. Unicorns


My #2 greatest fear, closely behind bees of course, is Zombies. I loathe them. The thought alone of an outbreak makes me want to run to the nearest fallout shelter and barricade myself in there with my cat. And it's not like I ever had that serious a stance on Unicorns either. You know, horses with horns that poop rainbows and fart sunshine. That kind of thing? It wasn't Pegasus (whom I still think is cooler. Horse with wings? Lets be serious here.) so as a whole, I've never really put too much thought into Unicorns.

But this book... I feel slight sympathy for the Zombies, something I never in a million years would have imagined doing, and I kind of think Unicorns are cool now. This book is great. 


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I got off the bus today and did a victory lap

because, ‘yes,’ I think. ‘It’s Friday, and another week without seeing Tobias is a good week. I’m not going to the bar tonight, because I’m going to Fuck Yess!!! and it’s not like he’s about to go.’

I feel the victor. I am a winner. Charlie Sheen references all up in this bitch.

And then I get home to turn my phone on because it’s been dead since last night. I notice that I have 12 missed text messages, one from Tobias.

“Are you going to Fuck Yes tonight?”

The victory lap was for naught.

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I've only seen one episode, but I can honestly say that this anime is freaking amazing. 
Don't doubt me. 

Oh, and I have internet again. 3 cheers for Clear. Hip hip, internet!

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I am everything you think I am. I will always fall short of your expectations.
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