This is me.
I just so happen to not give a fuck.
Now, go away and leave me alone.
We’ve been doing just fine for the past year. You harassing me every time I come around. You calling me out my name to my friends every chance you get. Trying to fight me in the street even when I’m not doing anything but having a seat in a chair a room away from you. Me acting like you don’t exist anyway. Why ruin a good thing we got going? I’m not going to accept your half assed attempt at friendship just because you realized that your crazy pushed all of your friends away.There are no 4th chances. I’ve done enough.
And now you can say that I don’t try. Because I gave you 3. That was my limit. It’s done.
Have a nice day.
[[There is no way on earth that I will ever allow Chelsea Smith back into my life.]]