Archive for January 2012
“I feel like we’ve met so many times before”…
This is the story of a boy. Who obviously has the memory of a fruit fly.
Let us travel back in time, shall we? To a time known as That One Party During The Summer Of 2011.
Setting: Some guy's party in Georgia. I don't even remember who's house it was. I wasn't all there [ifyouknowwhatimsaying].
At this particular party, I was getting ready to go back to New York and I was sitting with a friend in the driveway as penance for early departure. He was waiting for his ride. I was waiting with him. When his ride arrived, somehow he already knew who I was. Le gasp! How did that happen? I had no clue who this individual was and somehow he already knew my name.
We go back to the party and we converse and bla bla bla. And then he gets my phone number. And never calls! What do you know. Boys are notorious for that sort of thing, aren't they. And then he adds me on facebook! Followed by an array of sparing messages for about 2 months until he drops off the face of the earth. No big deal for me. Boy's are pretty much on a conveyor belt in my eyes. When one proves itself to be defective, I just put it back on the belt and wait for a shiner one to catch my eye.
Let us fast forward a few months. To... tonight actually. This person has just walked out of Illmont's doors. We had an impromptu party of sorts and this individual was here. What's even better was, this individual IGNORED me the whole time. Again, not a problem. But if you're going to ignore a person, then actually ignore that person. Don't come up to them at some point with some half assed greeting.
Followed by a whole lot of laughter. Like... there was a lot of it. Because it was all too funny. As I write this, I'm still laughing. He's gone but his comedic gold still haunts me.
About Me

- Ashley Allen
- I am everything you think I am. I will always fall short of your expectations.