Archive for October 2010
One day
I think that everyone who doesn't love me even though I want them to, will.
No, as a matter of fact, I'm certain that that is whats going to happen.
I'll make sure of it.
Ashley-is-better-than-everyone-you-know plan agogo.
I'm happy.
I'm really fucking happy.
I still hate He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
I still don't have a proper textbook for school (although the website apologized for the mixup and offered me a return/refund).
I'm still lonely and bitter?
The point is, I got one of the LAST TICKETS EVER to the As Tall As Lions show. Sadly, it's in Boston, and I have yet to work out how I'm getting to Boston from here but I just don't care. I have a ticket. I'm going to see them one last time. And then I'm going to New York for Christmas.
This year may have sucked, but it's going to end so AWESOME.
Text from today.
This is a text message I just recieved from some guy that I just met at the Masquerade last night.Typo's and all.
Are you serious? How does someone just unload that kind of shit on a person that they met yesterday. I don't want to know about all the shit going wrong in your life. I don't even know your real name!
Human beings, today...
I don't even...
So... what the fuck is this shit?
I ordered my textbook for school online this week. Not only does it take 3 days longer to come than it was supposed to, but it also WASN'T EVEN THE BOOK THAT I ORDERED.
Why... just... why?
I'm so mad, I cant even think.
No Tolerance Policy
Sierra is over at The-House-That-Has-Yet-To-Be-Named and I am not. Do you know why? Well, I don't have any reason for her to be there. I don't want to know. I don't really want to know. That is just something that isn't any of my concern. However, when she is in my vicinity, seeing as it is the complete opposite of socially acceptable for me to slit her throat and sit there laughing while rolling around in a puddle of her blood, I find it more suitable to leave. Leave the house completely.
For a while, I just hid out in Ian's room. I thought she was leaving then. But after I heard the front door close and still heard her voice, I figured out that everyone else had made the grave mistake of closing the door with her on the wrong side of it, and sought my escape.
I don't really care what anyone has to say about why I left, or if they even acknowledge that I went anywhere at all. As was stated before, that too is something that just isn't on my radar of concern.
I have a no-tolerance policy for that girl.
There was a reason I never liked high-school
And I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it was the people. I still continue to come to the conclusion every once in a while that I don't like being around others for significant periods of time. I think I would be okay with just my cat for a while. At least she doesn't make fun of me for wanting to play video games.
Because, seriously. How much fun am I going to have, sitting around and watching someone else play Left 4 Dead.
It was a rhetorical question.
Halloween Parade
I mean, I'm not really going to ask why there is a parade for Halloween a good 2 weeks from the day itself. I'm just going to have myself a good time.
In the cold...
In a rather small costume...
Thats okay though, isn't it?
Grace is such an amazing album.
Not a damn anyone - NO ONE - can tell me that I'm not allowed to have a crush on Jeff Buckley. I'll do what I damn well please. And if that means that I'm going to have a crush on a man who died when I was 7, then so fucking be it. I'll dream of him if I have to.
It's my cup.
Fuck. YOU.
Another thing.
If I'm going to be leaving Georgia forever and DRIVING the whole damn way, I'm going to do it right.
Road. Mothafucking. Trip.
I'm going to make an event planner, trip guide, you name it.
And I'm going to stop at every pointless landmark I can think of.
I'm going to make that shit last a week.
And if no one wants to come with me, so be it. I'll do the shit by myself.
Because I'm not driving all the way to Denver from Atlanta without giving myself some adventure first.
I'm paranoid.
I just stay silent about it.
Stolen from my facebook:
I learned a long time ago that the easiest way to get under someones skin is to not do anything at all.
And I fully believe that to be true. The fact that all I have to do is be indifferent to someone in a public situation (i.e.: Larae) for them to go around calling people (i.e.: Chelsea) and asking them what I've been saying because they've been "hearing things." (i.e.: I have no clue) In reality, I have mentioned no one. I have been making a conscious effort to hold my tongue about anything I am not in favor of.
Someone doesn't like me? Say nothing, it's for the best.
Someone called me a whore? Don't reply because they're wrong anyway.
Someone cuts me off and goes around telling people that I'm two-faced (i.e.: Sierra)? Act like nothing was said just to prove them wrong.
You see, I'm tired of people yelling at me or trying to reprimand me for things that I've done or said or whateverthefuckitis to offend them. So I've just taken the higher road. The road to non-comminication.
The road that means that I completely have nothing to say.
Thus, if anyone says anything about me, they will only be trying to start shit, and I can continue to Not. Give. A. Damn.
Childish post of the month, complete.
Bel-Rae Institute
I've been to New York City and back within 2 days and now I'm re-applying for college. Only this time, I actually get to go somewhere.
Bel-Rae Institute is in Denver, CO and... whatever. Vacation time or some shit. It's not really like I know what to do with my life anyway.
About Me

- Ashley Allen
- I am everything you think I am. I will always fall short of your expectations.