Bulimia sounds cool.


Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:
  • The tendency to desire what is best for the other
  • Sympathy and empathy
  • Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
  • Mutual understanding and compassion
  • Trust in one another (able to express feelings - including in relation to the other's actions - without the fear of being judged); able to go to each other for emotional support
  • Positive reciprocity - a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties.
 What's in bold is what we seem to have a problem with.

So, yeah, I'm over it. This. Us. Whatever our friendship is supposed to be. Although, now that I think about it, it means two different things to the both of us.

I mean, I'm sure you had a reason on your birthday, and my birthday, and that one day I was crying over that stupid Adam idiot, and last week, and the time at the mall, and the day that I drove all the way downtown with pneumonia and nearly crashed on the way home because I was convulsing so badly, and even tonight when you left me alone to wait for you at that club where that one guy had full opportunity to snatch me up and start touching me inappropriately and pulling me on my hair until I was able to run away and go the fuck home.

There's always some excuse or another, and I'm sure they are valid. I have 2 flashing voice mails from you right now probably saying something about your car and why you couldn't make it, and I know as a friend, I should care and I should probably be taking you home right now or some shit.

But, I just don't care anymore, Danny Swain.

I really just don't care.

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