Fuck all men. I'm gonna be a stripper.

I feel like my point was made in the title, but let me elaborate for emphasis.

Sentient human beings with Y-chromosomes, commonly called men are fucks. It is generally something that should be learned very early as it is continuously taught. Every day, another Y-chromosomed individual is caught doing something fucked up. As a result, us without, should realize sometime around the 3rd day of kindergarten, that yes, they are indeed all fucks. However, due to our nature of enhanced estrogen, we forgive many a time for the benefit of the inevitable conclusion of penal to vaginal intercourse.

HOWEVER, I say, I am tired of my forgiving nature. In fact, here is a list of things I generally no longer care about:

  • Men who claim they are shy and unable to express emotions to me. Fuck you.
  • Men who claim they are shy and unable to express emotions to me in the view of others. Fuck you.
  • Men who just "need some time to think." Fuck you.
  • Men who are push me away because they are afraid to hurt me. Fuck you.
  • Men who don't know how to even be friends with a person once another girl comes around. Fuck you x12.
I just can't anymore. And I say this all the time. I keep giving even the slightest hint of feeling towards these dudes and they walk all over me. Friendship, trampled. Relationship... let's not even talk about that.

And this was the last straw. 

I am glad that your ex is okay [nameless individual]. I am happy to know that she is coming to visit you in New York when you get back from your trip. None of that phases me. That's normal

Where you fucked up was when you told me that I was not allowed to see you, hear from you, or even text you because she is going to be around. And that, my dear, sounds a lot like shame. For whatever reason.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We have reached the limits of our correspondence. 

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