I'm a fucked up dude.

The General Plan:

To fuck. Done.

Step 1:
Convince female that they are special. Tell them things they want to hear in order to gain their trust. Make them like you. Tell them 'secrets,' things that they believe you've never told anyone else. Let them know how much you love them. Convince them that they feel the same.

Step 2:
Go to great lengths in order to be around the female. Fly, swim, crawl, make them drive 14 hours. Just be in general vicinity of female.

Step 3:

Step 4:
Act like nothing ever happened. Cut contact with said female. There are more females to unleash the plan on. The feelings of the previous female are no longer of any concern.

Nothing of value was lost.

I fucking hate dudes, I'm just saying. I refuse to have sex with anyone I haven't known IN PERSON for at least a year. Because all this shit, and I'm not even saying this in general relation to myself, makes me sick. And angry. And makes me want to punch the nigga(s) I'm talking about in the face.

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